Author: Saeen G.M.Syed

Sindhu Desh and Pakistan
When patriotic workers of Sindh take the name of Sindhu Desh, the proprietors of Muhajir-Punjabi vested interests get into jitters. Not only they, but their Sindhi agents, met Bhutto and his party men, too get almost burnt up in rage.
At first they used to get angry at the slogan of "Jeay Sindh". With them no other slogan except that of "Jeay Bhutto" was permissible then of late, in company with "Jeay Bhutto" they have however, started shouting "Jeay Pakistan". The Sindhi patriots read into these slogans of theirs "Pakistan to mean the base of Muhajir-Punjabi imperialism" and "Bhutto" to mean" a show-boy of that imperialism.
Why do these gentlemen get worked up at the name of Sindhu Desh is also very clear. They smell in the term "Sindhu Desh" "Bangla Desh" just as they did in the term "Bangla Desh" the sentiment of complete freedom for Sindh. The correct position too is exactly that. The genuine Sindhi patriot has got so much fed up with the evil deeds of the Muhajir-Punjabi imperialists and their Sindhi agents that, as a reaction, he finds pleasure precisely in a thing, which causes the greatest of displeasure to these Johnnies.
Moreover, with experience, getting more and more mature minded ideologically, the Sindhi patriots get on steadily shaking off the magic of deceptive slogans and fake ideologies. They have very closely examined and put to test the glittering slogans of "Quaid-e-Azam Jinnah Zindabad" "Quaid-e-Millat Liaquat Ali Khan Zindabad" Qaid-e-Awam Zindabad or "Jeay Bhutto!" Pakistan Zindabad", etc, etc. They have now come to see that what was working behind these slogans was nothing but pugnacious self-conceit and the minds of garrulous autocrats. All the three gentlemen in fact were the "Show-boy" and agents of the Muhajir-Punjabi vested interests, and necessarily, therefore, the enemies of Sindh.
Pakistan has proved no bed of roses for the Sindhis. The truth is very much the opposite of it. They therefore, hate these slogans now. The Sindhi people as their enemy and a slave to his alien masters take any one who utters these words.
Let us find the causes of this change of mind, and examining the true position about Sindhu Desh and Pakistan, know the exact facts about them.
Geographically, if you examine the map of Asia and that of the Indian subcontinent, you will readily see the distinct outline of Sindhu Desh on these maps. It is so because Sindhu Desh has a visibly distinct geographical position on the face of the mother earth being one of its physical regions, shaped as such, by nature. It has received its name from the river Sindhu, which flows through it and form its artery carrying its life giving waters almost from the heart of the land to various parts of its body. The Arabian Sea guards it, clinging to its face affectionately. The Runn of Kutchh spreads over vast areas of its south; its east is covered by sand dunes of Rajasthan. There are Bahawalpur and the East Punjab on its North while towards its West it is girdled around in part with the waters of the Arabian sea and the mountains and rocks of Baluchistan. Its forests, lakes, plains, sand dunes, rocks and Mountain bit of it, and the whole of it, has come into being through evolution over tens and hundred and thousands of centuries.
Historically, it has a civilization over 5000 years old. It has a culture, language and the magnificent past, which any nation and any country in the world would feel the greatest of pride to own and cherish. Sindh has a highly rich and productive soil. It has loving laborious people. Its language, its culture, its people, mineral wealth, its agriculture and its Sea trade and rich marine life all these are the result of natural growth spread millions of years. The land and the people of Sindh are under no obligation for their life and existence to Dr. lqbal, Mr. Jinnah or any other persons of that ilk.
Sindh’s religion and civilization has continued being enriched through centuries by the thought and creativity of its ding sons and daughters and by the collective art and of its people evolving in response to changing times and conditions of life within and outside its border. It has also blessed with timely contributions by the best minds and kindest souls of the world. Krishna, Buddha, Zaradushtra, Christ and Mohammed may their holy memories bless our minds light for ever have been all our kind and auspicious and we have gratefully imbibed in our minds all the best they gave to humanity. We bear no prejudice or cavil in mind against any one of them. The Sindhi mind is there a free mind, a tolerant mind, a mind surcharged with spirit of equality, patriotism and a living urge for freedom. The people of this land are not prepared to live as slaves, whether such a slavery is imposed on them in the name of religion, or that of Pakistan much less under the fraud of Muslim nationhood.
The word "Sindh" is a short term for "Sindhu" and "DES" is Sindhi form of the Sanskrit word "Desh" which means "homeland. If certain persons with closed minds do not follow the sense of this word, all that can be read about them is that "deaf, dumb and blind as they are, they will not understand". Sindh has been the home of a great ancient civilization. The archaeological sites at Amri, Mohen-jo-Daro, Kot-Diji and scores of such mounts are living witnesses to it. Different races and beliefs have found a meeting place here. It has seen great upheavals and suffered heavy blows during the course of its momentous career of thousands of years. It has yet survived and maintained its distinct entity culturally, geographically and also historically. We easily see traces here of Dravidians, Aryans, Semetics and Mangoloid races. More than these racial strains, we find here the intermingling of elements of various religions and philosophies, forming a singular approach to life a once catholic and particular in its range and application. Buddha was born in India yet, at one stage, it grew and flourished here. The influences of its philosophy of abnegation (Nirvana) were very much there, when Islam with its affirmative stance arrived in this land. The two trends joined and gave rise to a type of an Impersonal positivism which sought to stand above the antithesis between materialism and idealism claiming partisanship or nontralism as among philosophies at war with one another. Similarly, the Vedanta and the Vahdaniyat with advaita (absolute non-duality) of one and Tauhid (absolute oneness) of the other, met and recognized basic identity of each other minds and merged in a single all embracing approach to life here in Sindh. The Yogis of Jainism with its Ahinsa, the doctrine of compassion refraining man from doing injury to any living being, influenced the mind of the people on one hand, and the doctrine of Hindu Sanyas (withdrawal from wordily ties) and their music moves the Muslim Sufis into accepting the same in the body of their teachings, on the other. An instance of such a confluence of ideas and thoughts is not found anywhere else in the world.
While passing through different phases of history, Sindh has seen and suffered on its soil clashes and conflicts between variety of forces and powers. There have been times in its history when its star seemed nearly to have set forever. But history stands witness to the resilience of Sindh and its good fortune and courage 10 get on its feet again, and march onwards, inspite of every thing.
The Sindhis are fond of living like good neighbors. But they have never put up long with alien domination. They have not hesitated any time to learn good things from foreigners. But at the same time, they have never agreed to forget their separate existence, or to give up their own individuality. Sentiments of national identity and desire for freedom have been the basic elements of their traditions throughout their history.
The people of Sindh are a separate nation on the basis of all principles recognized the world over as the principles essential for nationhood. Those principles are (i) separate homeland, (ii) separate language, (iii) distinct culture, (iv) a body of historical traditions and (v) existence of special political and economic interests. Let us examine this claim to nationhood of the people of Sindh, in the light of the principles noted above, we have already described above their HOMLAND at some length. We may now take up the lamination of the case in the light of the remaining principles.
The peoples language in Sindh is Sindhi. Modern studies in philology and linguistics have discovered the roots of this in the five thousands years old Mohen-jo-Daro civilization. By accidents of history and long passage of time, language, as it now is, has absorbed quite a number of words from foreign languages, with which it came in touch. Originally Sindhi was a Prakrit (a peoples dialect) of an Indo Aryan language, which has since gathered in its vocabulary words from Dravidians, Arabic, Turkish, English and Persian Tongues. This Language is not a hybrid like Urdu; .h took shape as an upstart body of expression in army PS through artificial and short-term contacts among different elements. Sindhi is an old, well connected and naturally and fully developed language, which has its roots firmly and deeply, fixed in the past.
Whenever Sindh lost its freedom and passed under subject to an alien people, they invariably tried to destroy the Language by force, through enticement and with a congenial educational process. The Arab used their own language as court language in Sindh instead of Sindhi, and rough religion, as a vehicle tried to impose that language Sindh. But the Sindhi people after a short passage of time threw out that alien rule. With the exception of a certain number of Arabic Words and its script, Arabs left nothing behind in Sindh. Sindhi language, in any case, remained as ire and unsullied, linguistically speaking, as before. The same was the condition with the Mughal period of rule in Sindh. They promulgated Persian in Sindh, even more systematically than the Arabs. But that too couldn’t do much of harm to the mother tongue of the Sindhi people, except leaving a certain number of its words in its vocabulary. During the British occupation, the English rules the roost as the court language in Sindh. But that too had to quit, adding a few words to the wealth of expression of the Sindhi language. The language of the people of Sindh not only survived all these adverse onslaughts, but even prospered by passage of time, adding more and more of worth and substance to itself.
At present, the Muhajir-Punjabi Imperialism is trying their worst to thrust Urdu language on the Sindhis, and are using the entire modern means and methods of publicity, education and sociological pressure for the purpose. But it is absolutely certain that, inspite of every thing including the treacheries of the ruling Sindhi Agents of the Muhajir-Punjabi clique, the language of the Sindhi People will survive and grow from strength to strength as it has done in the past.
Culture is a comprehensive word. It covers the physical as well as the spiritual assets of human existence on earth. On one hand, it included the moral, the intellectual and the psychological assets and on the other the material means for the social economic and political vitality, which a people may have produced for carrying on as richly and fully as possible, the business of living as human beings. Culture is the word with which we describe the inexhaustible expressions of human thought and feelings. Just as the light of the Sun is essential for the survival of all living objects, in the same way culture is essential for the physical and spiritual health and improvement of nations.
Just as the whole of humanity is basically one, but for identification purposes and for the sake of administration of human affairs, it is distributed and arranged into communities and nations. In the same way the culture of the whole of humanity is also ultimately going to be basically one. In the mean time, however every country and every nation preserves its culture, considering it a valuable asset, a great heritage, which it has developed through centuries to experience and thought under physical environments and social conditions peculiar to itself.
Just as for thousands of years, the mountains and plateaus receive snow and rains, and trees and forests grew on them, and the trees shed their leaves and themselves fall and decay decompose into manure, and new trees grow in place of the old, and the flowing rainwaters, through rivulets and is sweep the composition down to the plains, where it 45 over the lands and fertilizes them into rich soil, and various kinds of crops grow on this soil and provide nourishment to people and give them health vigor and prosperity; in the very same way the nations develop and their culture grow through time. Different families Claus and tribes, during course of hundreds of centuries, in search of food or under pressure of similar populations coming down on them to posses them of, their fields and pastures, peoples facing famines, epidemics and hundreds of natural calamities, yet surviving and settling some where, and some home adjusting with populations already living there, set up together with their homesteads and villages, towns and cities, and thus living together to mutual advantage for centuries, attached with a given area of earth, which they call their motherland, this is how nations are born, and they grow and develop into peoples, each with a language, a culture, a common interests visible or implied, in life and work of all by all, individually and collectively among themselves. This is a process natural, but long, slow and difficult, giving rise to growing culture and also needing its help all the time securing further and yet further growth and consolidation the nation.
Sindh with its racial amalgam provides a great illustration of this process. As already stated, there have been Dravidians, Aryans, Semetics and Mangoloid races and other, who, families, Claus and tribes have settled in this land through course of centuries. There have been Samaats, Rajputs, Luhanas, and clans of Pathans, Baloch, Arab and other origins, who have joined into one Sindhi people, getting their languages, customs and traditions, costumes, manners, folklore and such other tribal, or sometimes even national, peculiarities with which they originally arrived on the scene, and having participated in the business of living here, have helped a very rich common culture grow in Sindh. Ages old relations, common needs and requirements of life, intermarriages, the climate and other general environment and above all dependence on common means and sources of livelihood have all contributed to the leveling of the initial differences among them. All these elements, in due course, fell into a pattern, adopting a common tongue dress, folk, traditions, religious approach, social customs and behaviors, and thus assumed a national completion distinctively of its own form, which they now proudly call the Sindhi culture.
Thousands of years passed by before the process nurtured into this shape. The entire psychological, social and intellectual character of the Sindhi people today is a reflection of that culture that took ages to form.
There are hundreds of similar areas and regions on earth, where people have similarly been born, immigrated and settled and have formed themselves into nations and have evolved their distinct languages and culture, which they consider their invaluable heritages and would like to defend and save with their lives as their basic national duty.
Peoples national characters are formed in the course of thousands of years, under interplay of forces and influences of physical and social environments including climate, food, racial and interracial habits and trends religious beliefs and practices, developing internal social relations and their relations with their neighbors and other outside peoples, etc.
Some of the peoples attach uncommonly great importance to the purity of racial stock, and it becomes a point of prestige with them, even to the extent of an obsession, and they resort to murderous feuds on the most ordinary incidents of breach of their accepted norms of social life. Some of the peoples have greater sense of loyalty than others; some are more hospitable than others. Some peoples are militant and aggressive and take violence to be a fair arbiter for settlement of disputes, while others being peaceable peoples, consider violence to be the root cause of all strike and disorder in life, and show their marked preference for nonviolence. Some of the peoples believe love and fraternization to be the greatest good for human life, with others hate and confrontation is the rule. Some peoples are more altruistic than others are, Patriotism with some peoples is as important as the very breath of life, for others the very idea of motherland is an anathema, and they base their entire national existence on of it. Some peoples are known for tolerance and forbearance as their national character, while others are similarly known for their bigotry and fanaticism. There are some peoples who find the secret of life in the sentiment for liberty, and consider it their right as well as their duty to struggle for it. There are other peoples, who remain content in slavery prefer the easy and comfortable way of living a dependent and protected life to the hard and risky living under freedom and challenge. It is not necessary that all the members of nation should the carriers of a national stamp and under all circumstances manifests it in their conduct. In every nation, quite a number of the people are indeed a loose lot, and often the majority of them are unmindful of any particular national or trait. But there are always some persons in nation represent the best that is in it, and can be held as exemplary carriers of the national character. However, the criterion for discovering the national character of a people is its folklore and folk traditions and its literature, which invariably store the likes and dislikes, preferences arid biases of the and the most active minds among them. Such preferences or biases of a people can most legitimately be taken as the features of its national character.
The writer having given some thought to this subject has identified the following traits to the typical feature of the national character of the Sindhi People.
Attachment to social tradition and sense of social pride.
Sentiment for liberty.
Sprit of resistance to tyranny.
(I) Attachment to Social tradition and sense of social pride:
The People of Sindh have an extraordinarily great regard for social traditions. The great epic of Dodo Soomro is illustrative of this basic trait of their national character. Dodo the immortal hero of the epic, sacrifices himself and his entire army, and all the ladies of his royal family burn themselves to death, in the battle for national liberty and social honor against the foreign invaders rather than purchase peace and right to rule by offering his sister Baghi's hand in marriage to the enemy as price. Marui, the heroine of the great folk-story of Sindh provide another moving illustration of this feature of the Sindhi character, who, being a simple shepherdess rejects all enticements and pressures of the ruler of the day to be his queen, and maintains her social prestige and attachment to tradition of remaining loyal to her betrothed shepherd youth Khet. The history of Sindh provides innumerable example of this undying characteristic of the Sindhi people often to prefer death to over stepping bounds of one or the other wholesome social tradition of their life or to suffering an insult to their sense of social pride.
(2) Loyalty
The trait of loyalty in the character of the Sindhi people has become so proverbial that even their foes take it for granted and often deceives them shamelessly on that account. The Sindhis are subjected even to diatribes show intense loyalty to their relatives and friends, and their Vaderas Pirs and Mullahs. Even though they suffer cruel betrayals at the hands of the Mullah the Pir and the Vaderas, they on their part would yet keep faith with them as for as possible. There is an aphorism with them, as indeed a code of conduct with friends, which runs as follows: "Keep faith till the end, let the friend do what he may". Another common saying with them, of the same nature is "Keep concern with the friends friendship, he may knew his own deeds".
(3) Hospitality
This trait is ingrained deep in the Sindhi character. If in village, a guest arrives in the house of even the poorest of e poor, he would stop his own children in the course of ting, and place the ready food first before the guest. If is nothing in the house to feed the guest with, the host raise a loan and serve the guest as fine a food as possible. Sindhi people have suffered grievously on account of trait of their character, and an adage with them reflects it reality viz., "She came in for the ember, but remained the kitchen as the cook". In quite a number of cases, alien rulers and tribes have taken bad advantage of the hospitality the Sindhis. The living examples of the treacherous conduct the lately arrived Muhajir-Punjabi colonialists are un-fold itself now, before them with all its faith shattering repercussions. But, inspite of everything, "the guest that has arrived at home must never be turned back".
(4) Nonviolence:
The Sindhis are generally a peaceable people. They are quarrelsome. They are hardly ever aggressive. They attacked any country or nation. Because of their peacefulness, they are even dubbed as timid and cowardly by enemies. Their gentleness as a people is taken to be weakness. The People of Sindh treat it an act of courage "to turn in position of strength". It is manly with them "to withdraw for the sake of peace". It is good manner among to avoid pressing the point". Differences are to be settled by mutual understanding. Even the wrong to be resisted non-violently to a degree. One must fearlessly speak out before the strong and the mighty.
Nonviolence is the sign of courage, not of weakness. It is absolutely essential to struggle for freedom, peace and happiness in life. But there are different modes of the struggle. There are some who impose by force their opinions and beliefs on others. There are others who, considering the principles of "common struggle for existence and mutual survival", do not exceed the limits.
5) Love: The differences between the animal and the human behavior is that in one case pursuit of self-interests leads to the path of hatred and confrontation resulting in strife and conflict, while in the other the business of living is earned on with love as guide to unity, peace and happiness.
The social customs, he political behavior and the religious beliefs of the Sindhi people are permitted with the benign spirit of love. This has been the message of all the leading thinkers, the saints, the poets, the teachers, the writers and the social builders in Sindh throughout its known history. In the divine words of Shah Abdul Latif Bhitai the immortal poet of Sindh, "Nothing avails in life, except the love you carry in your heart".
(6) Altruism:
One of the great principles of Sindhi Character is to give up personal benefit for the benefit of others. This is the limit of civilized human conduct that love alone can reach. In the folk-story of Mumal Rano, the heroine deliberately sacrifices herself so that her love may prosper in life. There are hundreds of such stories of self-sacrifice in the folklore, history and literature of Sindh To impoverish, oneself in showing hospitality to other, to give up life for defending the weak who may have sought protection under ones roof, never to prefer material wealth to the grace and dignity of family ties, forgetting ones sorrowing the sorrow of others all these traits of Sindhi character have their full share of traditional and recorded instances available in the life and History f the Sindhi people.
(7) Patriotism:
This is the sentiment with which the Sindhi hearts are ever full and almost overflowing, Shah Abdul Latif, the saint poet of Sindh, and almost every other poet of Sindhi language, has eulogized this sentiment through the undying character of Marui, the simple rustic heroine of the folk-story known after her name. The Hindus of Sindh, who used to go overseas in pursuit of their business, invariably returned to Sindh with their earning to be spent in the villages, towns, and cities of their motherland in the midst of their compatriots here. Even now, almost all of the Hindus and Sindhi Muslims, who have, for one reason or another, left Sindh and are living away from the banks of its affluent Sindhu and from its generously overgrowing plains or from its barren desert sand dunes and the bare rocks mountains of its Kohistan aria and from the eternal roar of its great Sea of their epic Morro Mangar Machh fame, are immediately moved to tears when some one mentions the name of the beloved country to them. Raja Dahar's heroic defense of Sindh till the last breath of his life, the self-sacrifice Dodo Soomro and that of his family for the freedom and honor of his land, Dullah Darya Khans fight to death, along his sons, on the battle field defending Sindh, Shah Bilawal's silent suffering of being broken and squeezed to death in the oil-press for defiance to the attacking enemy, the young Hemun Kalanis death by gallows for his fight against the British imperialists, are some of the outstanding examples of the love and devotion that the people of Sindh bear in their hearts their motherland.
(8) Tolerance
The Sindhi is basically an open hearted and tolerant person. He absolutely knows no bigotry or fanaticism. The way which the poets of Sindh, Shah Latif, Sachal Sarmast Rohal, Fakir, Sami, Dilpat, Bedil and many others, have generously tried through their poetry, to bring all the different lions together and unite them on the basis of the abiding values of human good, is indeed unparalleled in its excellence appeal and the impact it has left on the minds of their people. Bigotry and tolerance are mutually contradictory of mind. Where there is tolerance, bigotry will find no place. How can the persons, who have just entered Sindh with skin-fulls of bigotry and fanaticism find any affinity of mind the Sindhis; Sindh is the Center of tolerance. Pakistan is intolerance and bigotry personified. Kinship of the two is Impossible. The minds of the majority of the new comers are petrified under religious prejudice and hatred on one hand and selfishness and hypocrisy on the other. Where there is fanaticism, hatred is bound to grow, and hatred is the fountainhead of all strife and disturbance and war.
(9) Sentiments for liberty:
This too is a noteworthy characteristic of the Sindhi people. Their history is a witness to the fact that whenever due to divisions among them or by superior force, any alien people have been able to set up their rule over their homeland, the people of Sindh sooner or later, have invariably at the very first opportunity, shaken off that rule and become free. The Iranians, the Greeks, the Arabs, the Mughals and the British Imperialists have established their domination on them in their own times but the Sindhi people dislodged them all and each time won their independence and reestablished their own free rule in their land. The classical Sindhi poetry is full of patriotic songs. Every Sindhi poet has made his contribution to this wealth of freedom poetry in the language. The people of Sindh from their early childhood listen to these songs and imbibe the spirit of freedom from this poetry. The village minstrels and the folk bards recite and sing to the people, these immortal freedom songs in epics and folk-stories and keep them spellbound for long hours over several nights at a stretch. The one epic of Dodo Soomro, which is a saga of defense struggle waged by the people of Sindh against a superior invading army lasts from three to seven nights, depending upon the skill and ability of the bards who recite it, and the people who arrange the session. Composition of patriotic songs and setting them to music and listening to them is, in the present days too, the most satisfying creative activity of the Sindhi poets and artists and the most pleasurable experience of the Sindhi audiences in cities as well as rural areas in Sindh.
At present, when the Muhajir-Punjabi imperialism has secured its domination on Sindh, by playing fraud with the people under the glittering names of Islam, Pakistan, Muslim nation and Islamic Raj, the modern Sindhi poet couldn’t at the same time, hold himself from saying:
How long, oh, how long more! But fall it must,
This rampart of fraud
Who could refuse giving life So that Sindh may live!
10) Resistance to tyranny: A moving example of this trait of the Sindhi character can be seen in the fact of their present struggle for freedom that they are waging, even though they well know their helplessness before the superior forces of the enemy. They are weak in number. They are unarmed. They are also divided. Their enemies possess great strength. It has vast resources. It is superior in numbers too. It is wild and ruthless. Yet, for saving the national traditions, for reasserting the national dignity, for defending the national honor, the people of Sindh are carrying on their struggle oblivious of the consequences.
Their undying folk characters Marui, Sohni, Sasui Khahori, Kaapri, Samoondi, Morro, and their immortal characters of History- Raja Dahir, Dodo Soomro; Dulha Darya Khan, Shah Bilawal, Shah Enayat Sufi, Hoshoo Sheedi, Jetho Wanyo, Hemoon Kalani stand forth as the great beacon lights and as the most inspiring examples of the spirit of resistance to despotism and tyranny, which has always been and remains the most glorious trait of the Sindhi character.
Shah Latif and Ayaz, two of their great national poets one in symbolic terms and the others have paid tribute to this trait of the Sindhi character in the following immemorial lines of their poetry:
In night pitch-dark, with unburned jar,
and no inland skin either,
Throws she herself, losing no moment,
For the sake of the friend:
For love full and over powering, the river appears just a
dried plain to walk over,
(Sur Sohni: Shah Abdul Latif).
"Vainly challenges the mountain
Standing between my beloved; and me
Even though there be thousands of mountain
passes, steep and forbidding,
Cross through them successfully
I certainly shall"
(Sur Sasui Shah Abdul Latif).
If you are worried about your neck,
how can you fight? Get away!
You in your blood do not carry
the milk of our motherland.
Ours is the neck under the knife,
Our slogans yet are the slogans of love,
By the name of the holy Sindh,
We shall die, but die we shall smilingly.
In Sindh, different religions and philosophies have met arid attained a unity, which is bound to be a blessing for mankind.
Sindh has a message of love and peace for the world. Sindh carries the mission of bringing about an integration of the Eastern and Western civilizations, to the lasting good of the whole world. Sindh, as a piece of land, is nature’s own creation. The Sindhi people have a history, which is indeed timeless Natures own creations have stability and permanence primordial arid inevitable. The existence of Sindh and the Sindhi people could not be annulled or controverted by any force in history so far. The lately arrived Muhajir-Punjabi imperialism that holds ascendancy over them now and seem to be wallowing in their friendship desire to eradicate them out of existence, also cannot do so. It is beyond them to do so. What is absolutely inevitable in this case too is that, like their predecessors the Iranians, the Greeks, the Arabs, the Mughals and the British Imperialists they themselves, along with Pakistan, their contrivance of fraud, will disappear from Sindh, never to be seer back again.

As against Sindhu Desh, Pakistan is an accident of history a freak of nature. Unlike Sindh, Baluchistan, Pakhtoonistan and Punjab, Pakistan is not the product or creation of nature, nor has it any entity comprising one nation, one language, Literature culture or any identity of economic or political interest.
Pakistan has come into being as a result of clash of exploitative vested interests in India of the Hindu capitalists and bureaucracy on one hand and those of the Muslim feudal bureaucracy on the other. It was born out of conspiracy the Muhajir (immigrants from Bharat) and Punjab Muslim vested Interests to establish a haven of protection in which they could set up their exclusive base of political power and economic exploitation. It is being used and kept alive for the benefit of these vested interests. It has no past traditions. It is the name of an artificially newborn country of 25 years age.
What has transpired in Pakistan in the brief period after establishment has proved its existence to be useless and made its future positively harmful. It is rule of nature that things, which come into being temporarily and for emergency reasons, have to disappear after serving their momentous role. A similar fate seems to be lying in wait for Pakistan.
There has been corruption galore in Pakistan. There has a denial of common mans rights in Pakistan, almost unprecedented in the modern world. There has been a total suppression of the rights and interests of smaller nationalities Pakistan. These things are writ large on the brief pages of Pakistan’s life. The tyranny, the exploitation and the unethical practices that have taken place here in the name of Islam have hardly a parallel anywhere in the world. The country is being run by the Muhajir-Punjabi vested interests as their own fief. It has therefore lost whatever little it had at the start. The balloon must burst sooner or The artificial ideology viz.; the Ideology of Pakistan, stands in such a flagrant conflict with Gods ideology the natures own ideology of nationhood, cannot be destined to last long. Pakistan is not a physically formed natural region of Geographically; it is no country at all. It came into existence as the result of temporary economic, social and political differences in the Indian subcontinent. The Muslim vested interests of the Muslim minority provinces and the Muslim vested interests in the Punjab misled the Muslim majority provinces of the subcontinent first in the highly emotive name of religion, and secondly by promising them an "independent and sovereign" existence, and thus carried them along and succeeded somehow, in establishing country. The Muhajir-Punjabi vested interests however, immediately forget all their promises and commitments with their brethren in faith in the Muslim majority provinces. Instead of "Independent and Sovereign States", these provinces are now being ruled by them as mere colonies. Under these circumstances the larger part of Pakistan, viz., the East Bengal has already gone out of it, leaving Sindh, Baluchistan and Pakhtoonistan to continue eating the bitter fruit of their initial credulity and zeal of moving into the trap.
For the period of full 25 years, Pakistan could not give itself a constitution for the simple reasons that the People of East Bengal stood firm against any Constitution that could legalize and perpetuate the Muhajir-Punjabi imperialist hold on them. When at last the people of Bengal realizing their destiny to lie outside the frame-up, jumped out of it, the Muhajir-Punjabi Axis could find itself free to impose exactly such a constitution on the remaining three peoples of Pakistan. Who couldn’t stand in the way of the juggernaut of the absolute majority of the Punjab rushing such a Constitution through in the Assembly. The three peoples thus rounded up under the additional deception of democracy Islam and Pakistan being already in use for the purpose couldn’t however, be expected to sit quite on their fate long. They could never be reconciled to the state of permanent and unchanging majority rule of the Punjab-Muhajir vested interests, which is precisely what the constitution has imposed on them. The national liberation struggle, therefore, of the Pakhtoons the Baluchis, and the Sindhis has to continue developing till they secure their "independent and sovereign" states as the Bengalis have done in Bangla Desh. It is history’s irreversible verdict that nations can never remain slaves forever.
Let us now briefly review the reasons and arguments that were put forth in support of Pakistan. Those reasons and arguments were the following:
(i) That Muslims were a separate nation because of religion.
(ii) That Pakistan was the homeland of Muslims from India.
That the state and society of Pakistan were to be governed under the laws of Islam, and they were to be the models for the whole world.
That the constituent people of Pakistan shall be independent and sovereign.
History proves that Muslims have never remained united the basis of religion what to speak of their being a nation on that account. There are at present more than 350 religious sects among them, each considering itself alone to be true follower of Islam and hence entitled to salvation, and all the rest to have strayed from the path and therefore destined for hell.
The students of history also know that Muslim peoples have fought wars against one another, resulting into colossal bloodsheds and huge massacres. Muslim have invaded the Muslims, and conquered and occupied their countries. Never m history have any Muslim people established anywhere a state or a government as a Muslim Nationals. Every such establishment was known under the name and style of the tribe or nation, which founded or controlled it. There were Umayyads, Abbasides, Iranians, Afghans, Turks, Mughals, but never simply Muslims as a nation or ever nations any time and anywhere in the world. Even now, nowhere in the World does any nation live or act as a Muslim nation. They are over a hundred, 135 nations constituting the United Nations Organization of the world. There is not a single nation claiming membership that Organization as Muslim nation. Each one of the members of nations there is a nation by virtue of its religion, but because of its secular right title to that status.
Here in Pakistan, we have on the contrary, peoples with language, distinct homelands, exclusive and almost irreconcilable economic and political interests, but there are countries contiguous to each other and speaking a common tongue, with Islam as almost a common religion of their peoples, like, say Iran and Afghanistan and the Arab countries, yet they do not and can never live together as one nation, under one state or government simply, because they are Muslims! Kuwait, Bahrain and Qatar are separate countries. North of Yemen and South of Yemen are separate states. Syria and Lebanon are independent and sovereign countries. There are thus over fifteen Arabic speaking Muslim countries who are not prepared to live in One State and under One government. How then can be Sindhis, the Baluchis and the Pakhtoons, each with their separate homeland, language, history, culture, and traditions and distinct body of political and economic interests, be forced, in the name of Islam, to live as subject peoples under Muhajir-Punjabi imperialism in Pakistan?
All the member states of the United Nations Organization believe in the modern secular concept of nationhood. The State of Israel and the State of Pakistan are the only two exceptions. Although Israel even as Pakistan has been implanted as a foreign matter on the Arab land, at the cost of millions of innocent people having been uprooted from their hearths and homes, and is even now being maintained by world Imperialism as a base for world reaction, it is somehow free from the internal malady of any one oppressor nation crushing the rest of the smaller nations within its borders, as is the case here, where Punjab with overall, absolute and irreplaceable majority, in conspiracy with immigrant Muhajir vested interests as its junior partners and its pack dogs in the hunt, particularly in Sindh, is pressing literally to the wall the Sindhi, the Balochi and the Pakhtoon peoples in Pakistan.
The past history of twenty seven years in Pakistan has proved that this religious concept of nationhood, which the Muhajir-Punjabi Axis have all the time insisted on using as an ideological instrument to serve their exploitative interests, has been the main divisive factor among the different peoples in Pakistan and has brought about nothing but instability and disorder in the country. No unity and peace is possible even in a family unless the brothers are assured fair and just share in the ancestral property. Here in Pakistan, the weak and small member nations are; on the contrary, being expropriated from what they already hold as their inalienable heritage of the past. Not only those but they are being very cleverly and systematically robbed of even what they earn from day to day by the sweat their brow, and are left only enough to subsist, so that they could how and drawn for their masters. The Muhajir-Punjabi vested interests entertain the most fiendish designs of colonizing the lands of these peoples, and over whelming them by numbers and unbalancing their populations turn them into minorities in their own homeland. If today in Sindh, the people raise the slogan of Sindhu Desh and demand complete independence for their homeland, it is because of the treacherous ideology of Muslim nationhood under which the Muhajir-Punjabi colonialists are holding their deadly grip on them. The ruling clique in Pakistan is out to suppress, even the most innocent voice that is raised in defense of the rights of the smaller peoples, by charging it as the voice of anti Pakistan, and anti Islam disruptionists. Mr. Bhutto was indeed the last hope for Pakistan to save itself and hold together with the free consent of smaller nationalities, but the policy of fascist suppression of Peoples national aspirations, which he soon started following after coming into power, proved how malicious greedy and shortsighted his policy making mentors were. The Sindhi, the Balochi and the Pakhtoon peoples are getting more and more convinced of the utter impossibility of obtaining any just and fair response to their national hopes and aspirations in Pakistan. They see their national future sale only in breaking as under their chains and becoming; free, and establishing their own independent and sovereign national states, just as their brethren the people of Bangla Desh had to do in similar conditions.
The theory of separate Muslim nationhood is a false theory. It is contrary to facts. It is a silly political fraud, which the Muhajir-Punjabi Vested Interests have invented and are keeping alive only to maintain their exploitative grip /On the Sindhi, Balochi and Pakhtoon peoples. For the Sindhis to believe in this theory could only be tantamount to foregoing their right to liberty, peace and happiness and to accepting slavery under the Muhajir-Punjabi imperialism.
In fact, under the universally recognized fundamental right of self-determination of nationalities, the Sindhi people and the other smaller peoples in Pakistan are entitled to full freedom and independence as their birth right. It is only the members of the Muhajir-Punjabi Axis and their agents, who oppose this right.
Pakistan’s rationale hardly improves with this argument why should, after all the Sindhis, the Baluchis, and the Pakhtoons accept this position. If the Musalmans of India had necessarily to be moved out of India and settled amongst brotherly Muslim peoples, the entire Muslim brotherhood of the world should have shared the burden. As it is, only the Sindhis, Baluchis and Pakhtoons, and among them too mostly the Sindhis, have borne and are still bearing the brunt of it. These peoples had never subscribed to this principle, nor had they bound themselves by it. It is a false and baseless argument manufactured only to provide an unabashed cover for colonization and exploitation of the homelands of the smaller nationalities in Pakistan.
This argument had greatly moved the people here, before the establishment of Pakistan, but after its establishment, it leaves them cold. The way the local people have been exploited, and the limits to which corruption, adultery, drinking, black-marketing, adulteration, smuggling and other social and political evils are day to day raising in Pakistan, has removed all blinkers from the eyes of the people. They now know that in Pakistan Islam’s name is precisely taken for providing justification and cover for anti-Islamic deeds.
All the right-minded people in Pakistan today know that there is no country in the world which may have an Islamic constitution, and that no constitution could indeed be either Islamic or Hindu. Modern Constitutions of states or countries have to deal with life’s problems, such as the following, which have nothing to do with religion as such: Fundamental human rights of the people, powers of the Central Authority, powers of Provincial governments, and powers of the Legislature, the executive and judiciary in a State, etc. Similarly different State departments of administration in modern times can neither exist nor function as Hindu or Muslim or Christian or anything of that sort. It is indeed beyond ordinary comprehension as to how these people can proselytize the Revenue; the Railway, the Police, the Defense, e Post and Telegraphs, the Radio and Television, the forest, the Health, the Engineering and such other executive and administrative departments of government and turn them Muslims. As a matter of fact all this tall talk about Islamic State is aimed at deceiving the credulous mass and keeping their minds diverted from their real problems, so that they, could all the more safely and all the more thoroughly be exploited and kept crushed and helpless as slaves before their masters.
Under the All India Muslim Leagues Lahore resolution of 1940, and under the Sindh Legislative Assembly resolution 1943, the constituent states of Pakistan had to be independent and Sovereign". In 1946 at Delhi, a convention of Muslim League parliamentarians, without any mandate of the mother organization and in total disregard of its basic constitution, subverted this solemn declaration of intent behind the political demand of Pakistan and adopted a resolution aimed at the establishment of unitary state for Pakistan. At that very most of us could see through the game and we knew the Sindhi people were being deceived and doublecrossed subsequent developments could thoroughly expose the minority; and rapaciousness of the fraud thus played on Sindh, NWFP, Baluchistan and Bengal. It was because of this rank betrayal of the national interests of the peoples, that East Bengal subsequently left it and asserted its independence and sovereignty which was treacherously denied to it in Pakistan. The recognition that has been universally accorded to it by nations has indeed paved the way for the remaining constituent nation in Pakistan to demand and struggle for the restitution of the same status also to them.
The anti-people ruling class in Pakistan and their agents come out generally with the following arguments against Sindhu Desh, in order to discourage and weaken the will of Sindhi patriots:
1) Sindhu Desh is a small country and hence will be a nonviable state.
2) It is hard and difficult to snatch freedom from the strong Muhajir-Punjabi ruling junta.
3) It will be treason to Pakistan to win freedom for Sindhu Desh with the aid and support of foreign countries.
4) Sindh will be a loser if it separates from Pakistan.
5) Pakistan is a great Muslim country, and it will be a sad blow to Islam if Pakistan disintegrates.
In the following pages, we will deal with these spurious arguments of the enemies of the Sindhi people.
The agents and spokesman of Muhajir-Punjabi Raj, which is keeping Sindhu Desh under thralldom, say that Sindhu Desh is a small country, and therefore
a) There being no Sindhis in the army, they would not be able to fight and liberate themselves.
b) There are no capable persons among Sindhis who could manage and administer an independent state of their own.
c) Sindh does not produce enough to maintain itself as an independent country.
d) The Sindhis being a backward and politically unconscious people are incapable of winning freedom.
Actually, however, Sindhu Desh is not a small country. It is a bigger country in many respects, than a great majority of the countries who are members of the United Nations Organization, as may be seen from a comparative statement showing the Physical area, population and national produce of 91 out of 135 such member countries, given below. There are many countries, unbelievably smaller in all respects than Sindhu Desh, which are also free and independent and are the sitting members of the United Nations.
Sindhu Desh is 56447 square miles in areas. Its population is just reaching fourteen millions souls. Its revenue collections, both Central and provincial, amount to 8000 million rupees. It has 2,25,00,000 acres of cultivable land area. Seventy percent of industries in Pakistan are located in Sindh. Karachi, its Capital, is the biggest city and the only seaport in Pakistan. Its language, Sindhi, belongs to the oldest and most developed languages of the world. It has a 5000 years old civilization, and possesses a remarkable history, culture and traditions. It has rich mineral resources, which yet remain to be touched. Its gross national product reaches eighty thousands million rupees annually.
Considered thus with the exception of some leading countries of Europe, North and South America and Asia, Sindh occupies higher place among all the rest of the countries of the world.
If countries like Kuwait and Qatar could be free and independent, and inspite of their small areas, population and incomes, could enjoy membership of the UNO why should Sindh be deprived of its rightful privilege in the name of Muslim nationhood, Islam or Pakistan!
From the following comparative statement of 93 countries including Switzerland, which is not a member of the U.N.O and Sindh, it may be seen that most of these are smaller than Sindh in all respects. Those of the few countries, which have larger areas, are mostly spread over deserts rocky plateaus and such other expanses of non-arable land. From the viewpoint of gross national produce only some 5 countries of Europe among these 93 given countries are seen to be bigger than Sindh. [The figures in following table are in the context of 1972-73.]

Name of the Country
Area in Sq. Miles
Income in Millions of dollars




Byelo Russia

Sri Lanka
Congo Brazil
Costa Rica


Dominican Republic


Ivory Coast

Malagaski Republic
Maldives Island





United Arab Emirate


Voltaic Republic

South Yaman



The figures in the above statement indicate the position of Sindh vis a vis other countries. Thus, among these 92 countries, Sindh stands inferior to 36 in Physical area, to only 3 in population and to only 7 European countries, in annual Revenues. In other words Sindh is bigger country than 56 out of these 92 countries in area, 89 in population and 85 in annual Income from general.
Yet all these countries are free and independent and by virtue of it, are the members of the U.N.O. while the Muhajir-Punjabi colonial exploiters and their suitors refer to Sindh as a small country and feel worried about its viability as a free state!
The matter of the smallness of Sindhu Desh thus cleared; we may as well look into the implications, which these malevolent friends of Sindh draw out of their free charge.
(a) Sindhis are not in the army:
Every country needs Police and the army for maintenance of internal order and for external defense. The Sindhi people have not so far joined their forces wholeheartedly or in big numbers due, in the first place, to the fact that they are not free people. Secondly, these are many countries in the world Besides, Sindh who possess no army whatsoever, e.g. Switzerland Qatar, Bahrain, Luxembourg, etc. Inspite of that, these countries are and can remain free and independent. In the present world, there are certain countries with such exceptionally superior power that they can overrun smaller countries at will. But that doesn’t happen. The world opinion has grown so strong and effective that the big imperialist powers are finding it impossible even to retain their existing grip on their long established colonies. No bigger or stronger country is able today to snatch away from any smaller or weaker country its freedom. If any such thing happens anywhere, the outraged will of the world, or the intervention of friendly forces immediately comes into play and the victim is restored to its lost freedom.
Presently, it is only Portugal, South Africa, Rhodesia, Israel, and the Muhajir-Punjabi Raj in Pakistan where no lesson has been drawn from the world history yet and who are still holding their subject peoples under them stubbornly denying to them their freedom. But as the things move, it is but certain that the victims of these griesy powers too would find themselves at liberty sooner than expected.
As far the armies of Sindh, its fighting youth, struggling for the liberation of their motherland, like the liberation armies, the Mukti Bahini of Bangla Desh, will form the vanguard of the Sindhu Desh Army. As free people the Sindhi nation can add up to their police force and create their national armies automatically and without much trouble.
Just as the struggling people under the Portuguese South African and Rhodesian imperialism’s are receiving help and Support from all the free nations of Africa, and just as the neighboring Arab peoples, and also the peoples of the Soviet Union, are assisting their Palestinian brothers, the 5 victims of Israeli aggression to liberate themselves from their enemy strong hold in much the same way the Sindhi nationals living in India and other like-minded peoples of the neighboring countries can surely extend their brotherly Support to the Sindhis in their liberation struggle. The argument, therefore that the Sindhis are such enthusiastic about joining the armies of their masters, who keep them slaves, and as such have no title to freedom, is only a clever ruse for blunting the Sindhi peoples urge for freedom and discourage and demoralize them in their struggle for national liberation.
(b) Sindhis are hot capable of governing themselves:
This argument of the enemies of Sindhu Desh has a familiar ring of the late imperialist master of the Indian subcontinent, who only up to August, 1947 used to say that the Indian were not capable to rule themselves and hence were destined to remain slaves to their British superiors.
As matters of fact, Sindhis are far more capable people than those are, Punjabi-Muhajir predicate rulers of the peoples of Pakistan, Mr. Jinnah are, and the founder of Pakistan himself was a Sindhi. The entire body of Muslim Vested Interests in the Indian subcontinent had chosen him to be their leader because of his abilities to lead. It is a different thing altogether that he worked as a tool of the Muhajir-Punjabi Vested interests and did nothing to protect the interests of Sindh that gave him birth, and even betrayed it palpably. But, for this blatant role of Mr. Jinnah, the people of Sindh, themselves too were partly responsible. There is a common saying in Sindhi "The young one of a buffalo frisks round its base pole only". Mr. Jinnah was put in the forefront by the aliens because of the talent and capability they saw in him. He was not a man of principles. He was practical politician. He could see that the people of Sindh were yet lying in the backwaters of history and regaling themselves with credulous dependence on their silly treacherous trio of the Vadera, Pir and Mullah. He could also see that it were the Muhajir-Punjabi vested Interests, who had put him on the pedestal of fame and glory. Under the circumstances if he turned his back on them and were to sponsor the interests of Sindh and the Sindhis, he would be brought down from the pedestal and pushed away into oblivion in no time. He therefore saw his personal security and effulgence in the familiar Sindhi adage. "One must sing the song of him who feeds".
Next to Jinnah in ability and talent of leadership, we have had Shaikh Abdul Majid Sindhi, Haji Abdullah Haroon, Sir Ghulam Hussain Hidayatullah, Sir, Shah Nawaz Khan to, Ghulam Mohammed Khan Bhurgri, Shaheed Allah Bux Soomro, Mohammed Amin Khoso, Mohammed Ayub Khuhro, Pirzada Abdul Sattar, Kazi Fazlullah and any others, who could match and even outclass any political leader of any people in the Indian subcontinent in their own days.
At present too there is a son of Sindh, Mr. Zulfikar Ali who occupies the top position in Pakistan. The Muhajir-Punjabi vested interests facing dearth of merit and ability their ranks, have placed him there studiedly, knowing very l his usefulness as their excellent tool. If, at the moment, is playing a traitor to Sindh and is reducing to dust the of the Sindhi people, it is all due to the same fact of being an unprincipled politician like Mr. Jinnah. It is his own success, which alone matters with him. Nevertheless, he is to be blamed for his anti-Sindh role, the people of too, are worthy for it to an even greater extent. It is painful fact, indeed, that the Sindhi people are still politically unconscious. They have not yet developed correct discrimination as to their friends and enemies. They have not y cultivated that courage and that sense of firm partisanship so that they may totally commit themselves with their sincere and genuinely patriotic workers. Mr. Bhutto, like Mr. Jinnah, is a practical politician. He is not a nationalist and can not therefore be expected to take any risk for principles how so ever good and personally acceptable to him these may be. He knew that Mr. Khuhro had to suffer by crossing the will of the Muhajir-Punjabi Vested Interests for the sake of protecting the rights of Sindh. Even though he Commanded majority in the Sindh legislative Assembly, he was removed from office as Chief Minister of Sindh. Seeing him thus removed, the Sindhi members of the assembly at once somersaulted and stood behind Pir Illahi Bux, the set agent of the enemy interests. Nor were the Sindhi electorate so awake and powerful that they could have chased this into oblivion or confronted him into defeat and shame.
Later, when the same Mr. Khuhro made a turn about and committed himself with the Muhajir-Punjabi ruling coterie on formation of One Unit, fully liquidating Sindh even as a province of Pakistan, they immediately reinstalled him in power and made him once again the Chief Minister of Sindh.
Knowing all this, Mr. Bhutto has decided to keep his position in tact as Mr. Jinnah himself did, with the help and under the protection of the class, which has placed him there. He very well knows that it was this very class who brought about the murder of Liaquat Ali Khan and no body was able to do anything about it. It was also that same class, who ousted Khuwaja Nazimuddin from the Prime Ministership. Even though he was the President of Muslim League and there was the majority of the National Assembly members at his back. The entire history of Pakistan is full of such instances of arbitrary actions on the part of the Muhajir-Punjabi ruling clique. A thorough pragmatist as he is Mr. Zulfikar Ali Bhutto, for ensuring his political career, has very faithfully kept all these instances in front of him.
When in the days of General Ayub Khan, the writer along with such several other nationalist workers was arrested, but later kept behind in jail under an extended term, while all others including Khan Abdul Ghaffar Khan and Maulana Bhashani were released, Mian Anwar Ali, the Director of Intelligence, was asked as to what was the reason of it by Nawab Kala Bagh. The reply to his question that Mian Anwar Ali gave to Nawab Sahib should be well worth putting down here. According to Mian Anwar Ali, G.M. Sayed, was the most dangerous person in Pakistan. He has tried to influence outside opinion on the issue. He could sponsor and get the resolution for the dissolution of One-Unit passed in the West Pakistan Assembly with only seven members with him in a house of 310 members. He has awakened a sense of national identity among the students and intellectuals of Sindh. He has identified to Sindhi people their national goal by counterpoising the issue of Sindhi Nationalism against the ideology of Pakistan.
It would be seen from the above that there is no dearth of capability in Sindh. Even the blindest enemies of Sindh are forced to see and admit it.
Among civil servants, we have had a man like Mohammed Moosa, who served with brilliant success as Chief Engineer of West Pakistan under One Unit Administration. We have had fresh and dynamic abilities of the Sindhi Youth, who leave colleges and Universities in hundreds and thousands annually and are otherwise left to waste themselves unemployed and frustrated.
(c) Sindh is not economically self-sufficient:
This argument too is wrong. In fact this argument was much fussed about also during Sindh’s struggle for separation from Bombay Presidency in India in the thirties. When put to test, however, it turned out to be only the result of exaggerated fears of Sindh’s friends on one hand, who meant well by it but lacked courage to face the challenge of the future and of demoralizing tactics of its enemies on the other, whose sole object in using them was to stand in the way of the struggle and frustrate it.
Sindh has 2,25,00,000 acres of arable land. It has 70o, of Pakistan’s Industry located in it. Sindh accordingly contributes the biggest share of the Central Governments present excise duty. Sindh has its excellent sea port, which can bring it a great amount of income through customs. Karachi being a huge center of trade and commerce, besides can give Sindh vast collection of money through the income tax and the sales tax. These collections are now taken away in their entirety by the Central Government, but with Sindh attaining its independence will all be at its sole disposal. There are great possibilities of oil, gas, and other deposits of mineral wealth to be uncovered in Sindh. Sindh can lay claim to possessing excellent resources for the growth and development of its economy. If only these sources of natural wealth including all the industrial and agricultural potential of Sindh were mobilized for the good of its people, this gentle and generous land, overflowing with love and goodwill for all, is bound to reach a state of abundance and facility hardly to be equaled anywhere in the developing world of the present times.
(d) Sindhis are a backward people
This is no doubt so. But they are getting nationally conscious steadily cannot also be denied. For, that would be denial of facts and realities. It is of course true that majority of people from the upper classes in Sindhi society are courtesans of the Muhajir-Punjabi imperialists, due to fear or ambition. But just as now they are trying for fervors with their present masters, in the same way when power is transferred into the Sindhi hands, they will immediately switch over their loyalty to them and start licking the feet of the new masters. These worshipers of the rising sun are nothing absolutely nothing outside the protective reach of power. Wherever power moves, these opportunists also move there, just like the weathercock which changes tern with every turn in the wind.
The ruling class in Pakistan, by their shortsightedness and instability, set the entire course of their oppressing and exploitative state machinery to bring down on the weaker nationalities and crushing them into abject surrender. The Bengalis, Sindhis, Baluchis and Pakhtoons saw no alternative before them but to stir themselves into a posture of defense. There was a rising unrest among them, which could never be assuaged. In the gathering storms, East Bengal secured its freedom. The Baluchis and Pakhtoons are in the midst of the fight. The Sindhis stand awakened and their moment for national freedom under the slogan of Sindhu Desh has already commenced. Quite a number of them are suffering in Jails for indefinite terms of imprisonment. Some have sacrificed their lives for the cause. The struggle for national hibernation of people in Pakistan is fast reaching its decisive stage. All freedom struggles have been hard and difficult. No fight for freedom has waited till it became soft and easy to take it up. Every freedom struggle has to start from position of weakness, gathers strength as it proceeds along and confronts the enemy at the last decisive moment from position of strength when it delivers it a knock out blow and sends it to hell.
The world opinion is bound to awaken to the flight of the suffering peoples under the Muhajir-Punjabi tyranny in Pakistan. It is not going to ignore the issue and remain silent for long. Countries like the Soviet Union, Bharat, the Arab world, Afghanistan and other democratic and freedom loving peoples the world over have long established traditions of responding to the cry of liberty in whatever quarter it has risen in the world in the past. One can never imagine that on knowing and realizing the true situation, they would ever refuse or hesitate to provide help moral as well as material to the freedom fighting peoples, only in this part or the world. The Sindhi people with grit and courage have to bear sacrifices and carry on a sustained struggle for their liberation, which is their national duty. It is absolutely natural that the democratic and freedom loving opinion in the world soon stirs up and puts its weight on their side in due course. For placing the issue of Sindh’s freedom on the anvil of the times, what indeed is only about a thousand or trained freedom fighters, who, with their bold and fearless fighting tactics and superior peoples strategy can shake the imperialists power at its very roots. If a giant power like that or the U.S.A. inspite of modern weapons of war and superior in every thing could not hold the people of Vietnam slaves for long, how can these clownish imitators of theirs, the Muhajir-Punjabi Vested Interest in Pakistan keep the roused and determined Baluchis, Pakhtoons and Sindhi peoples under their heels for ever.
There are some persons who go on loudly expressing their doubts in the Sindhi peoples struggle ever succeeding to shake off the deadly grip of the Muhajir-Punjabi thugs pressing firmer and firmer on them. In this connection they refer to some of the sprightly politicians, Pirs, Vaderas, and government officials serving as willing tools of the alien political domination, adopting the alien Urdu language in their homes and feeling fine about it, joining them in their denial of the separate nationhood of Sindhis, and preparing their way to power and privilege by offering hands of their girls in marriage to the Muhajir-Punjabi leading families. To all the arguments of such persons who raise these doubts and refer to these individuals, exceptions and personally motivated examples, of meanness and disgraceful conduct, one can only say that national liberation struggles all the world over and through history have never been free from or held back by all these. The people of Sindh have had such persons in their midst in all periods of their history and have then in some strength also now, but in their thousands of years of history they have always succeeded inspite of them or perhaps because of them in shaking off alien domination that happened to be placed upon them from time to time. It is absolutely certain that they would also succeed in throwing off the present Imperialist occupation of their homeland. History is witness to the fact that truth and those who fight on the side of truth always prevail. It is the holy Qura'ans word of commitment with the fighters for truth too.
"The righteous and upholders of truth even though in smaller number are bound to gain victory over the wicked and up holders of falsehood".
Sindhi people are on the side of truth. Their gristly rulers and their agents are on the side of falsehood. This could be well judged from the following:
Among Sindh’s indigenous people are also included the original Arab, Baloch, Pathans, Gujrati, Punjabi and such other immigrants who, in course of time, absorbed themselves in the milieu of Sindh, adopting its language and culture fully, completely and totally.
The Sindhi people are born and bred in Sindh. Their ancestors are buried here. They bear in their hearts the deepest and the kindest of love for the soil. They are struggling for the promotion of their language, culture, traditions and the political interests and for the progress and prosperity of Sindh.
Sindhis have never attacked any people at any stage of their history, nor have they any time exploited or appropriated the rights and interests of any other people.
On the other hand, the lately arrived Muhajir-Punjabi imperialists have been guilty of the following crimes, whereby they have deliberately and insolently put themselves beyond the ken of the Sindhi Milieu.
Even though they have lived in Sindh for 26 years, they have not learnt Sindhi language and have not accepted Sindhi culture. They on the contrary are engaged in deliberate actions aimed at systematic subversion and destruction of Sindhi Language and culture, which are the most valuable heritages of Sindh. They drink, breathe and feed on the soil of Sindh and have their shelter here, yet they call themselves Lakhnavis, Badayunis, Dehluvis, etc. They have effaced the original geographical and historical names from places in Karachi and elsewhere and replaced them with non-Sindhi names. Thus they are guilty of criminal attempts at subverting and effacing ancient traditions of Sindh’s history and culture.
These immigrants have no love for Sindhu Desh. They feel shy of absorption in the Sindhu milieu. They refuse to believe in the national existence of the Sindhi people. They, on the contrary, entertain hostility against every Sindhi interest basing themselves on their self-manufactured Pakistani ideology of Muslim nationhood. They nauseatingly repeat the name of Pakistan, while Sindh’s name has become a term of abuse for them. They take any body who utters the name of Sindh as an enemy of Pakistan and call him a distruptionist, a provincialist, an enemy of Islam etc. It has become their professional duty, as if, to report the names of such persons to one or another agency of the political police of their governments and get them incarcerated and punished at their hands.
A great majority of the Punjab and Pathan settlers and quite a number of the Muhajir exploiters remit their earnings in Sindh to their people outside Sindh.
They treat Sindh as their colony. They look with contempt at the language of the indigenous people of Sindh. If any body makes a public speech in Sindh hi they disdainfully avoid listening to it. They insist on the nameplates, on shops, private residences, public places etc, and the number plates on cars or the inscriptions on milestones on public roads to be written in Urdu script. In their general manners they assume superior airs and look with scorn on Sindhi. Their newspapers, books and other publications, particularly those in Urdu, seem to be always full of poison against Sindh and the Sindhi people.
They are always out to divide Sindhis in order to rule over them. They tempt their Sindhi agents to spy on the Sindhi nationalist and report on them to the State police and get them arrested and punished. Through false but clever and powerful propaganda, they distort and prevent the minds of the Sindhi people into getting used to their slavery.
With these doings of these people the Sindhis are convinced that they, on their part, are on the side of truth, while their imperialists enemies are in the wrong and stand palpably on the side of falsehood and injustice. Recalling their faith in following verse of the holy Qura'an, they firmly believe that imperialistic enemies of theirs are sooner or later fated to perish.
"Truth is bound to triumph and falsehood will whither away. The falsehood indeed is destined to whither away".
The agents of Muhajir-Punjabi Imperialism too manufacture this argument in order to hoodwink the innocent and simpleminded Sindhis. The argument in its full import runs as follows; "Well, brother, listen! These imperialists are extremely powerful. They have the army behind the in. They receive arms from foreign countries. They are also clever and well informed. The entire Press is at their service. On the other hand, the Sindhis are divided internally. Their leaders are the abject slaves of the alien people, due to personal interests. Under these circumstances, it is vain foolhardily to struggle for freedom. Now, if we seek and obtain help from any outside governments, we are bound to turn slaves to such governments. The present rulers at home are after all our brethren in faith. We may therefore better remain satisfied with our present state of subordination to them."
These arguments are all meant to deceive, and only advise cowardice and timidity. Every body knows that the imperialist ruling class is powerful. The subject peoples are always everything. Among them it is every where a few exceptional persons, who are fired by sense of national duty and come out in the open supremely indifferent to danger and take the risk of accepting the challenge and confront the enemy knowing fully well his strength and their own weakness. But as the struggle proceeds, more, and more of their companions and compatriots join them and the government peoples of the world take notice, and offer them help and advice, as happened in the case of Algeria, Vietnam, Bangla Desh and the people of Arab lands.
On one side the world imperialist powers come out in support of their counter parts every where, on the other side, freedom loving peoples and democratic governments of the world offer their help and sympathy in boundless measures to the peoples struggling for self-emancipation against heavy odds. In the case of Bangla Desh, the world saw that whereas America supported the tyrant Pakistan imperialists, the Soviet Union and Bharat went to the rescue of the oppressed peoples of Bangla Desh.
The Muhajir-Punjabi Imperialists, who exploit the smaller nationalities in Pakistan in the name of religion, must realize that the Sindhi people would not be prepared to live in slavery to them for long. The Sindhi people do not even believe them to be real Musalmans; they who call themselves the standard bearers of Islam and wish to rule over them on that account. The Sindhi people consider them to be oppressors, predators, exploiters and imperialists. The Sindhi people believe it is their national duty to liberate, to secure help for the purpose from any and every quarter sympathetic to them in their cause.
The upholders of the Muhajir-Punjabi Vested interests are not the true "Believers" because whereas love for homeland is a basic element of faith according to Islam, they take pride in detesting the homeland dubbing it as an idol. It is a sin in to subvert the right of a person or a people, but these people have made it a matter of their faith and a religious duty, as if, to suppress the rights of the Sindhi people. Islam stands for fair distribution of ancestral property among all the sons of a father the blood brothers; all while these Muhajir-Punjabi imperialists have not only appropriated the entire wealth and resources of the country, but also are out unabashedly to consecrate this appropriation under the name of Islam. They are obdurate enough to hold even God as subject to their will, while with the Sindhis in the words of Latif their national poet, "It is Almighty Allah who is the Master man His servant has no will beside His will".
With these hypocritical Muslim rulers of Pakistan it is perfectly airtight to receive aid from America by all means and in all forms, including deadly firearms, and to use the same for oppressing the smaller nationalities and keep them reduced to abject submission under them. They would push the country into war pacts with the imperialist powers for the lake of these weapons. They would buy oil from Arabs and send it to America to save its hardship, from Arab embargoes on oil. They would feel no qualms of conscience to play a broker on oil between Iran and Israel. But they would certainly consider it Kufir on the part of the Sindhi people if the latter could only see the possibility of some sort of sympathy and help from others in their struggle to save themselves from economic strangulation and political enslavement of the Muhajir-Punjabi imperialism. They should, however, now remember that the Sindhi people are no more terrified by the these edicts of Kufir and Islam, for those have been used against them with such an abundance and prejudice that they no more cause any quiver in their mind. The Sindhis are now determined to pursue their liberation struggle by all available means and to the bitterest end. There indeed remains no other choice before them either.
In this connection, the general national good of Sindh can he understood and weighed in its following form and aspects:
1. Political freedom of Sindh.
2. Economic prosperity of Sindh.
3. Cultural growth of Sindh.
National integration of Sindh.
All persons, claiming citizenship of Sindhu Desh, who help us in the attainment of these four great national goals can therefore, be considered as Sindhis, no matter whether they be Sindhi Hindus or the Muhajir-Punjabi settlers with a rightful domicile in Sindh. For the latter category of claimant of citizenship of Sindh, following additional conditions ill also apply.
They will have to give up belief in Pakistan ideology, which means in the religious concept of nationhood; they will also have to shake off notions of Urdu language ascendancy in any shape or form.
They will have to accept all the people living in Sindh as member of the Sindhi nation, irrespective of any religious distinctions or difference among them.
They will have to be committed to the task of securing complete freedom of Sindh outside Pakistan.
As against that, all those persons who obstruct that process of liberation of Sindh from Pakistan imperialism or who give preference to any Pakistan interest over a Sindhi interest, could legitimately be treated as the enemies of Sindh, no matter whether they be the indigenous Sindhi Musalmans, Muhajirs or the Punjabi settlers. It would be well to realize that when the Sindhi people could not tolerate the Sindhi Hindu vested interests exploiting them, and the resultant differences led to the unhappy situation which the enemies of Sindh cleverly used to their advantage, leading to the Hindus leaving the country; how can then the same Sindhi people tolerate or put up with any alien intruders exploiting them all the more cruelly and palpably, no matter if they label themselves as Musalmans, arm themselves with fraudulent ideologies, and further reinforce their exploitive position with guns.
We cannot also forget the fact that no sooner the Sindhi people open their mouth regarding their separate nationhood, their political freedom, and their economic or cultural rights, then they are condemned as enemies of Islam, traitors to Pakistan, parochial, sub-versionists etc and are subjected to inhuman punishment and cruel torture. From the very commencement of Pakistan, its central government has remained under the sole control of the Muhajir-Punjabi Vested Interests. These interests have also kept all the time the press the finance, the industry and the trade and commerce of the country, under their firm grip. The Sindhis in Pakistan have accordingly seen their position slowly and steadily getting reduced to that of the Red Indians in America. That being the case, the Sindhis consider it their birth rights that they should exert themselves to leave such an imperialist frame-up and come out of it. They cannot be deceived any more now under the terrifying or tendentious slogans of Islam, Pakistan or the Muslim nation.
(4), Sindhis will be a loser if it separates:
The protagonists of the Muhajir-Punjabi Raj and their Sindhi agents say that on establishment of Sindhu Desh as a. separate state, the exploitative vested interests of the Punjabi will stop waters of the river Indus from flowing into Sindh, and thus bring about a literal wreckage of agriculture in Sindh, throwing its entire economy into rack and ruin.
Actually, after the establishment of Pakistan in 1947, Government of Punjab unilaterally went back on their Agreement on the distribution of Indus Waters with Sindh, which was solemnly entered into between the two governments in 1945, and built barrages on the Indus depriving Sindh of its legitimate share in its waters. The Central Government of Pakistan being under the sole charge of the Muhajir-Punjabi clique, aided and abated this willful contravention of the agreement by the Punjab Government, knowing no restraint, they went on for such heavy withdrawals of water from the river that their oversupplied lands developed seepage, to an almost irretrievable extent. They are spending limitless amounts of money now to control the menace. It is really impossible for them, under the circumstances, to go in for any further withdrawals of water from the Indus. In years of draught with rivers flowing low, they can, of course intercept bigger quantities of water even now, and disturb the cropping arrangement in Sindh. But Sindh’s continuation as a helplessly dependent part of Pakistan can hardly prevent them from going their way in such eventualities. That may even encourage them all the more to do their worst, unafraid of any repercussion, or retaliation from any side. In abnormal years of high flood discharge or even in the normal years of discharge, they cannot obstruct the flow of the needed quantities of water down the Indus and cannot as such do any injury to Sindh’s normal agriculture. If they did, they may only face disaster of the type they had to face in 1973 when almost the whole of the Punjab stood flooded and literally sunk in water. The Ayub regime in Pakistan, at the active prompting of the Punjab government, sold away the entire waters of their three rivers to Bharat, but even that country had to leave the waters free to flow down the rivers at high flood level so that they caused ruinous floods in the Punjab as well as in Sindh.
The adequacy or otherwise of irrigation water for our agriculture in Sindh, will, therefore, basically, still depend on the source water supply conditions of the rivers flowing down the Himalayas and through their attachment areas sprawling over part of India and Pakistan. The only difference that can he rightly visualized would be that, with Pakistan, we will be in a helpless condition of dependence on the Punjabis, and without Pakistan as a free and independent State, we will have a strong bargaining position being the guardian of the sea coast, providing the only opening to the Punjab for its overseas trade and commerce. Sindh serves and may serve for a long time to come as a source of livelihood for hundreds of thousands of Punjab nationals. This could be another bargaining ground with us, besides innumerable other, as between two free and equal states, to arrive at a mutually beneficial arrangement on the Indus basin waters and other such issues on State to State level with the Punjab.
(5) It will be a blow to Islam if Pakistan disintegrates. The Muhajir-Punjabi imperialists and their agents argue that Pakistan is the biggest Islamic State in the world. To break such a state will tantamount to striking a grave blow at Islam. This is a presumptuous argument. Neither Pakistan is the biggest Islamic State, nor will its break be a blow to Islam. More Musalmans live in Indonesia, Soviet Union, China, Bharat and Bangla Desh than they live here. The state of Pakistan and its government has had nothing to do with Islam. The arrogant claims have been deliberately put forth by publicists of the Muhajir-Punjabi ruling clique in order to project them before the peoples of Pakistan as saviors and protectors of Islam, and thus to divert the peoples attention from the real problems of the country.
The ruling class in Pakistan, by their unabashed insistence on misgovernment and cynical consistency in misbehavior, and by their loud and unrestrained Islamic pretentious has literally turned Islam into a laughing stock before the world. It is at their hands in Pakistan that Islam seems to have lost its entire credibility. No Country in the world could match Pakistan in this. It is here that it, the name of Islam, the thousands of years old nations, the Sindhis, the Bengali, the Baluchis and the Pakhtoons, have had their right of self-determination snatched away from them, and have had the status of minorities imposed on them. It is here that in the name of Islamic law, man has been denied his basic human rights. It is here in Pakistan, that people have been deprived if democracy. Labeling the state as an Islamic Republic, all types of gambling, drinking, adultery, exploitation and all kinds of vicious corruptions have been permitted to flourish in the country. There is a paper provision alright for a Muslim to be the Head of the State but one after another we have had only drunkards, corrupt exploiters and unscrupulous liars as our rulers in Pakistan. All of its governments have been the most deliberate agents of American and pro-American imperialism’s, who were mainly responsible for the plantation of Israel on the Arab lands. The fact is that after the establishment of Pakistan, the word Islam has been misused, as probably no other word has ever been in the world. Islam as a hope of hundreds o millions of people in Pakistan and in the world has received a crushing setback as a consequence, and lies today in the dust as an extinguished flame. It Is in the interest of Islam and not against it that this situation is remedied immediately and thoroughly.
Liberation of Sindhu Desh promises to b just that remedy. For that precisely is going to facilitate restitution of Islamic values of truth, fairness and justice in our land. With liberation of Sindh, we would be liberating ourselves from the rule of violence operating in the name of Islam, from slavery t American Imperialists, from subjection to war pacts with superpowers, from the subterfuge of the combined incongruity of religion and politics, from all exploitation and oppression of the alien people.
It is obvious that the establishment of Sindhu Desh can only be secured with the ending of the present setup in Pakistan. A people comprising more than half of the population in what started as Pakistan have already left it and founded their own free and independent state of Bangla Desh. The Pakhtoon, the Baloch, and the Sindhi people are disgusted with its existence, having been greatly injured in it and are praying constantly for its expeditious end.
The question now only is how Sindhu Desh may liberate itself from these Muhajir-Punjabi imperialist shackles, particularly when American Imperialism and its allies and the local Sindhi agents of the enemy seem to be all out to keep them in tact.
Before considering this question, it would be better to know the methods and procedures with which the Muhajir-Punjabi imperialists are maintaining these shackles firm on us. A little thought on the matter would reveal that this they do through the use of the following four weapons:
1) The weapon of the theory of Muslim nationhood.
2) The weapon of false democracy.
3) The weapon of coercion.
4) The weapon of the Sindhi agents who constitute their fifth column inside our ranks.
1) The ideological weapons
Through this weapon the Muhajir-Punjabi imperialists subvert the minds of Sindhis and the rest of the smaller nationalities in Pakistan, under the drowsy slogans of Islam and Pakistan, Muslim nation, Islamic Raj, etc., and induce them to accept the state of subordination under them and remain content with it. This ideology of religious nationhood fashioned by the Muhajir-Punjabi imperialist interests is based on rejection of the idea of homeland and is presented in the name and under the authority of Islam. This ideology, however, has absolutely nothing to do with Islam. It is a fascist's ideology, only masquerades under the colors of Islam, for easy action of the peoples mind. The Sindhi youth has started realizing the false dressing the sinister purpose of this ideology. But more the deception and fanfaronade of the ruling clique gets exposed, more bombast and trickery do they inject in it on their Radio and Television and in their controlled Press. The Bhutto’s government has its "Gobbles" topped by Maulvi Kausar Niazi, his information Minister, who reinforces the carefully dished out pots of life with facilities a galore for Haj, by mobilizing the Mullahs and Maulvis to keep on shouting and by stepping hate campaigns and staging victimization sorties against the terror stricken remnants of the Hindu population in Sindh all this for keeping the Muslim mind in Pakistan humored in the belief that their Islam was really in safe hand with the ruling clique! Fuller and fuller and more and more foolproof ordinances are, on the other hand issued from time to time, declaring talk, idea or even feeling of the four nationalities in Pakistan a treasonable activity.
But all this does not discourage the Sindhi nationalists. They, on the contrary, go on patiently and perseveringly arguing against all these obscurantism slogans and thus carefully maintaining the clarity of mind on the issue in complete consonance with the teachings of their saintly poet and thinkers who taught them unity of the Hindu and Muslim as a Sindhi people to be the sine-quanon of all their felicitous living, and contrariwise, disunity and difference between the A two of them to be the cause portending nothing but disaster to them. The Sindhi patriots firmly believe that after establishment of Sindhu Desh, they will be able to sweep clean all the evil traces that the propaganda of two nations may have left on the common Sindhi mind and that the Sindhi people will soon succeed in repairing all the revenges they have suffered under the national disaster which overtook them in the shape of Pakistan solely because they were weak enough to lend ear to the devils advice of division and separatism, and failed to maintain unity as Hindu-Muslim Sindhis.
2) The Weapon of fake democracy:
Democracy is the most acceptable political philosophy in the modern world. No body dares deny this. Actually, ii Pakistan, whatsoever, the world democracy has received such a mouth filling use even as the word Islam has that. It has become not only a meaningless term, but contextually it has assumed overtones resurgence. It has been used in Pakistan, as a weapon to deny democracy to smaller and weaker peoples, and to impose on them irreplaceable dictatorship of the Muhajir-Punjabi vested interests.
Democracy and right of self-determination of nations are interdependent concepts. The Sindhi people, prior to recognition of their separate nationhood, consider all talk of democracy only a ruse, a deception of an irreplaceable overall majority nation of the Punjabis to impose their permanent rule on the minority nations, individually as well as collectively regardless of the Sindhis, Baluchis and the Pakhtoons.
Under democracy, a considerable measure of personal freedom is taken for granted, a set of fundamental human rights is underlined, and decisions of common interests are taken by a majority vote. None of these things however operated in Pakistan from its very start. On one hand, personal freedom and freedom of opinion have all along been suppressed, and on the other, the very national existence of the Sindhi people is denied. One can change ones religion in Pakistan, but expressing on opinion contrary to the interpretation foisted on Islam by the Muhajir-Punjabi imperialist i.e. their theory of religious nationhood, is a penal crime.
The Sindhi people have been through the claims of democracy and right of self-determination of nations, about which the mouthpieces of the Muhajir-Punjabi imperialists cry hoarse in the council of the international world always in the context of other countries. They do this piece very adroitly. Sometimes, they even over do it. But this they always do in order to deceive other principally their own people back in Pakistan, for whom, like the elephant, they also have a different set of teeth to act with. These imperialists practice fascistic politics, but are never tired calling it a democracy.
Never does a small nation in the world accept a permanent minority status, give up its claim to individuality and agree to live in subjection to another neighboring nation, which holds permanent numerical superiority to it, even though both of them may profess the same religion or even speak the same tongue. Why should the people of Sindh then accept a similar situation for themselves and agree to live under the Punjab, in the name of Islam, Muslim nation and Pakistan on one hand and in the name of democracy on the other! It is for not accepting this kind of democracy that Khan Abdul Ghaffar Khan, the late Khan Abdul Samad Khan, Shahzada Abdul Karim, Khair Bux Khan Marri, Ataullah Khan Mengal and the this writer and hundreds and thousands of other nationalists workers have been all along undergoing penal servitudes in Pakistan since its inception back in 1947.
Recently, on January 17th, 1974, some young enthusiasts arranged the writer’s birthday celebrations, under written permission from the government. Immediately after the celebrations were over, a number of them, including, the writers son, Imdad Muhammad Shah and Seth Tirathdas both of whom did not even make any speech on the occasion were arrested and put under police lockup for 14 days at a stretch. Thereafter they were produced before a court in handcuffs and sent to jail, where they were placed in "C" Class along with ordinary convicts and treated like social criminals.
These trained rabbits of British Imperialism, fascists and fellow agents of American Imperialism by choice arrest the people, harass them in their jails and torture them in their dungeons on mere expression by them of dissenting opinions, and yet talk of democracy and would like to be known in the world as its champions! The Sindhi people know what these Muhajir-Punjabi ruling clique and their agents actually mean when they talk of democracy particularly in the context of the smaller peoples, the Sindhis, Baluchis and Pakhtoons in Pakistan. The weapons of fake democracy in the hands of the ruling clique in Pakistan have thus already run its course. More and more they are now compelled to resort to open fascistic methods of rule to hold and preserve their fast crumbling empire built on grab, subterfuge and terror.
3)The weapon of coercion:
It has been discussed above, in details though in a different context, how the Muhajir-Punjabi vested interests for safeguarding their class positions, got the Indian subcontinent partitioned and having established their way in Pakistan with the help of their British masters, over the federating state of Bengal, Sindh Baluchistan and Pakhtoonistan, how the consolidated their stranglehold on these States by use of army and finance capital, and denying them their separate national existence, how they have been since carrying on their exploitation, systematically, completely and thoroughly.
If the affected peoples raise their voice in protest against the above situation, and make a move for their freedom and for their economic and cultural security, they are thoroughly and immediately silenced under the ideological weapons of the artificially conjured up theory or Muslim nationhood in the first place, and that of fake democracy in the second place, and are finally crushed ruthlessly under the weapon of naked force.
To justify this entire operation, they have come out with a fully fascistic overall interpretation of Islam, have idealized the story of the conquest of Sindh under the Umayyads Imperialism, have lionized Mohammed Bin Qassim the leader of predatory attacks on Sindh as the Standard bearer of Islam, have sacrificed all use of brute force under the name of Jihad, have glorified sentiments of hatred against neighboring countries, have manufactured black laws, and have utilized variety of methods of putting nationalist workers in jail and of liquidating their enemies. Under the use and or threat of use of force quite a number of cowardly and a selfish persons have today been silenced. It is, however, known that there are a great many self-respecting, conscientious and fearless persons in Sindh, who are carrying on the liberation struggle under all odds These persons can never be threatened into silence nor can they be forced to abandon the fight. It is for such brave and self-sacrificing persons that the poet has said:
"Even though the neck be under the knife,
The brave yet continue affirming love aloud,
By the name of my beloved Sindh,
Die one day we must, but we shall certainly die fighting
4) The Weapons of the Sindhi Agents.
Imperialist rulers have always and everywhere following policy of divide and rule. By adroit use of stick and carrot, they would prepare a group or party among their subject people as their agents, and would then sit back watching the factions among them fall at each other’s threats. Roman Imperialism ruled on this basis. The British in India followed the same policy even more dexterously. They created their agents from among the Hindu and Muslim feudalist and moneyed people and carried on their rule by setting one against the other. They awarded Muslims of Khan Bahadur and Khan Sahibs, and the Hindus of Rai Sahib and Rai Bahadur and one big common of "Sir", to their obedient servants according to the degree of service they rendered to them at the cost of their people. Some of these agents were also rewarded land grants, big government jobs and trade concessions facilities. They created thus a vested interests of a of their subject people on their Raj and with their help and support carried on their rule in India.
The British, when at last they left, passed their legacy of power to the privileged classes among the Hindus and Muslims which they had created as their agents dividing the cake between the two of them. The Muhajir-Punjabi vested Interests, the leading inheritor of the privilege in the Muslim part of the subcontinent are now faithfully following the footsteps of their masters though their allegiance stand fully transferred from the British to the American imperialism and are playing the game of divide and rule even more cleverly than their masters. They have created among the Sindhi people, even as among Baluchis Pakhtoons, their fully reliable agents by reinforcing the letters original class vested interests as well as by giving them big additional stakes in the new Raj.
The Sindhi masses were drawn towards the Muhajir-Punjabi net impudently spread before them by these agents of these agents of enemy led by Mr. Bhutto, and walked into it after the Islam and Socialism, accompanied by subtle prompting and all sorts of utopian promises that they share and fertile mind of Mr. Bhutto could hold forth to the different classes of the people. The conscious and the farsighted persons could however, see through the game even then and are definitely now able to see how the magic of the big lie is fast waning. It is indeed a matter of time now for the people to break lose the bondage of this Muhajir Punjabi frame-up and get free from it, shaking off its running agents and all, relegating them into the limbo of time. The people’s poet of Sindh Munshi Mohammed Ibrahim has fore seen it in the following words:
For a couple of days there was Chanesor too here
For a couple of days there was also a Mir Jaafar with us,
There was once a leader from larkana too in our midst
Sometimes it was a "SIR", followed by a Dahesar,
It is your time now for playing your bit on our history even as they did,
The people are sure to get rid of you too, sometime,
Surely the dark night is going to end an glorious dawn is bound to break.
By all means throw ropes across the neck of the galloping steed of time,
And stop it if you dare,
Surely the dark night is going to end, and the glorious dawn is bound to break.
The Sindhi people could liberate themselves, in time from Iranian, the Greek, the Arab, the Mughal and the British Imperialism’s. How can they not do so in the case of these puny and fraudulent Muhajir-Punjabi imperialists! History records today only the traces of the mighty Roman Empire the magnificent Turkish Khilafat, and the worlds biggest British Imperialism. These Muhajir-Punjabi Vested Interests are just the minor agents of American Imperialism. These slaves cannot therefore keep the Sindhi people slaves under them for long.
The Sindhi people like any other people in history have been traitors, who have been born and bred on the soil of Sindh, but have joined by choice the enemies of their homeland and betrayed its cause. The latest of the two such traitors that Sindh had to see in its modern times was Mr. Mohammed Ali Jinnah, who having lived for long in y away from Sindh, his homeland, joined hands with Muslims vested interests of the Muslim minority provinces India. He could therefore throw with impunity all the Sindhi interests over board, and without any compunction conscience allowed himself to he used as a tool for the imposition of an imperialist hegemony of the Muhajir Punjabi Vested Interests on his people in Sindh. The other such traitor, who for the sake of gaining personal power and for keeping it intact has grossly betrayed the cause of Sindh, is Mr. Zulfikar Ali Bhutto. We have already discussed elsewhere the infamous doings of this man, which have very nearly put the fate of Sindh in a permanent jeopardy. It is often seen that some people leave the right way and out following the wrong path. Some of the Christian forgetting, or even condoning, the wickedness of the Jews, who crucified prophet, Jews have taken upon themselves, as almost a religious obligations, to implant them on the Arab soil, and to help them gain a position of hegemony on Arabs. The Arabs, on their part whom the holy prophet Muhammad lifted from the depths of ignorance and placed on heights of civilization in the then existing world, those to martyr his grandson, Imam Hussain, along with his children, transfixed their heads on spears and them in the streets, and threw their bodies under the hooves of galloping horses, and acknowledged the wicked tyrant Yazid, instead, as the Khalifas of Islam.
It often happens that these who stand for the right have to suffer a great deal for it and yet fail in their mission, while the wrong doers seemingly attain all success. But history stands witness to the fact that it is the right that finally triumphs, and the wrong that ultimately goes under. In the two instances quoted, it is the message of Prophet Jesus and the voice of Imam Hussain, which live today in the world. The Jews have been undergoing chastisement for their foul deed for two thousand long years, and even the name of Yazid stands banished today from Muslim all the world over.
In the same way, even though the names of the two traitors to Sindh, Mr. Jinnah and Mr. Bhutto are today having a widespread approval and fame in Pakistan, yet time bound to come, with the Sindhi Youth awakening to the call of their patriotic duty to stand by their country, When these two names will be the unanimous hate words in all thc Sindhi houses of Sindhu Desh. The peoples poet of Sindh Munshi Muhammad Ibrahim has already given vent to his feelings about the two names in the following verse now on the lips of every one in Sindh.
"We have heard about Quaid-e-Azam "We have seen Qaid-e-Awam "Murderers both of the peoples. Killers both of the masses; "One massacred the dwellers of Kashmir "the other brought about the holocaust in the East; "One turned from Bhutto into Bhatoon (the scorpion) The other is known as Qadoo Hajjam (Qadoo the barber)"
It would not be out of place here to address a word to the people of Punjab, our esteemed brothers, with who we have hardly any quarrel, except in so far as their exploitative over lordship hurts us. May be these words rising from the depths of our hearts could strike a common chord of humanity between our two peoples, and the varieties of powers and temptations of ambition, now Overstepping bounds with them, may get pacified and settle down to their normal limits.
"Brothers Yours is indeed the majority of Soldiers and the fighting men in the Army. It is indeed a fact that you are great in numbers than the Sindhis in population. You are of course superior to the Sindhis both in finances as well as in technical know-how. Like strong, imperialist nation you do certainly possess power to dominate and keep under control the Sindhi people and other Smaller peoples in Pakistan.
"We would, however, very earnestly request you to look around and see that imperialist nation are really disappearing the world now. The big and mighty empires, starting the Roman Empire and then the Turkish Khilafat, the German, the French, the British and the Czarist empires all vanished.
"Presently, worked up on self-interests, forces, and wrong logical nations, you have secured a strong grip on the nations in Pakistan. But if you deliberate on your situation coolly you will see that instead of any lasting gain fit, you have already lost considerably in certain things, because of it, and are likely to suffer disaster only in the future. "Your was the heritage of love and humanism which was with you by your cultural traditions as carried in your national literature from your divine poets like Shah Bahu, Khuwaja Farid, Guru Nanak, Bule Shah and others. You already arrived at a level of tolerance and catholicity on the fundamental Qura'anic teaching "Your religion you the best; my religion for me the best and as a result, reached on integrated nationhood on the bedrock of coexistence of religions and fusion of races within the borders of your homeland.
"During the period of British rule in the Indian Subcontinent, you as the people of the Punjab Muslim, Sikh and Hindu acquired an advanced position both in civil and military services and in various trades and skills, and as a result a leading place in almost all these fields in greater of the subcontinent. But to your ill luck, you fell in the impudence with the vested interests of the Muslim with minority, provinces and followed their impertinent lead which brought you face to face with national disaster, and divided you socially, economically and geographically to ruination as people.
Yours has been a sweet language, which has been your mother tongue for thousands of years. You have a charming and quite an elevating tongue for thousands of years. Even today you speak it at home. You have a charming and quite an elevating body of literature in your language. Your immortal poets have sung in it and brought you divine words of love and beauty in it. But you in your fond tutelage to the Muslims vested interests of the Muslim minority provinces adopted as your language of culture and began diverting your selves with unprecedented callousness of the cultural inheritance, which tens of centuries of life accumulated for you as a guarantee and stamp of your national existence.
"You, after countless sufferings and tragic periods of alien bondage, asserted your national dignity, and gained your free and independent status as a people during the days of the Sikh resurgence. In the modern times, your great statesmen, Sir FazleHussain and Sir Sikandar Hayat Khan, revived that sentiment of national dignity, and created the great unity of the Muslim, Sikh, Hindu Punjabi people. These were the grand days of your national rebirth, and the soul stirring anthem of patriotic effusiveness of the Punjab people used to be heard on the Radio "Oh, the country of countries, Our Punjab," what a sad reversal that your fatal weakness before the enslavers from the Muslim minority provinces of India should have made you forget your patriotic duty, and accepting the bait of Religious nationalism gains, you should have divorced your country of countries, anthem and playing for narrow and temporary class, up small and artificially created differences among your religious communities. You should have broken your Land of five Rivers and cut your people into two to war against each other to the delight of the fallen, effeminate, cunning Nawabs of U.P., C.P. and Deccan in India and to the reducible of the self respecting, patriotic peoples of the world.
"Having thus renounced your national identity in a static captivation to the formulary of two nations Islamic, Raj, etc, raised by the Muslim minority community leadership in Central India, you gave away your leadership to them, and ceased creating the same from amongst yourselves. You set out following Jinnah then took to Liaquat, Nishtar, Khan, Qayum, Muhammad Ayub Khan, and presently you are following Mr. Bhutto. By this sheepish dependence for ideas and for action on persons from outside, you have lost your own individuality as a people, and have allowed yourselves to be wafted about gustily in directions almost fatal to your national interest.
"You have thus seen your homeland divided. You have reduced your language to the status of a mere vernacular and have adopted a foreign language instead as your language of education and culture. You have given up the way of love and humanity and have instead taken to hatred and force which first led you to a split from your Sikh and Hindu compatriots, and then has pushed you in a position of wild confrontation with the Bengali, Sindhi, Baloch and Pakhtoon peoples.
"You have allowed yourselves to suffer almost fatally in the above matter. Do you think that the Sindhis, Baluchis and the Pakhtoons will follow your lead to similar consequences? The Bengalis certainly did not and their bloods revolt should have induced you to reappraise your position on these and such other basic issues, which all nations take to the life and death issues and can never leave to be dispensed by others for them, much less by those whose only stock in trade for living consists of force and hatred and who know no interest in life other than own interest.
"You can always bear in mind that the Sindhis can never be befriended on condition of denial of motherland and under compuisi6n or through exercise of fascistic politics. You would do well in this case to head the lessons of the past experience. You can capture the mind of the Sindhis, and of the other peoples who are your smaller neighbors through the teachings of the best and the gentlest of your ancestors, Shah Bahu, Khuwaja Farid, Buleh Shah, Guru Nanak and such others, but not through fascist mentors and religious teachers like Allama lqbal and Maulana Maudoodi, and never through your army generals and their batons.
"We feel extremely grieved and embarrassed, to know that there are still such persons among you) who believe that:
You failed to hold Bengali in your grip, and they finally escaped only because they were big in number and were situated 1500 miles away from you, and geographically they were at an advantage. But in the rest of Pakistan Baluchis were very small in number, the Sindhis were weak and the Pakhtoons were inordinately greedy, and therefore you could hold them under you successfully and they could never get out of your grip.
If the Sindhis tried to break away, as the Bengalis did, you would crush would crush them into pulp and would arrange mass immigration of your people into Sindh and put them in possession of lands, factories, services and all the trade that is there, and thus change the population complexion of Sindh basically. With the Baluchis, who are still fewer in number, you would deal with, in a similar fashion.
You would always succeed in finding your stooges and show-boys, in Sindh, Baluchistan and the Pakhtoon land, as presently you have Mr. Bhutto himself, Jam Ghulam Kadir and Khan of Kalat, Khan Qayom Khan from their lands and keep well under surveillance the recalcitrant elements among these peoples, and thus manage these territories all right.
"May it be submitted to you, with due regards, that the above manner of thinking is not correct. With force nations cannot be kept in subjection forever. Nor can it be done on the basis of wrong and self-defeating ideologies much as you have armed yourself with. This is what you may do well to bear in mind, a required by common sense as well as the great sense of history of all times and of the whole world.
"It is of course known that Punjab is comparatively a somewhat overpopulated land. It has less arable land in relation to its population than is the case, say in Sindh. But this disparity has its natural causes, based on geographical conditions. The Punjab has its five rivers and a bigger rainfall. Sindh, till recently, was only a desert with hardly any annual rain. The state of development of its productive forces, therefore, could not give rise to as higher population growth in it as in the Punjab. With expending irrigation facilities, population in Sindh too started long back growing rapidly. Keeping the average productivity of land in Sindh in view, which is much lower than in the Punjab, the land versus people disparity between the two areas hardly has any material importance now.
"It is also proved that the people in Punjab are comparatively of more martial a nature than the people in Sindh. They, therefore, stand in need of expanding opportunity of military service. Although this trait of human nature, if at it could be called so, has an ephemarality, which hardly yes any social or economic significance to it, yet the fact that it for the moment, for whatever reasons, exists in the people of the Punjab to a greater degree than in the Sindhi people, it does require attention and also a useful employment "It is also a fact that the Punjab has a higher capital formation, which needs investment opportunities outside its boundaries under the present semi-colonial semi-capitalist economy in Pakistan. The Punjab has also more men and women of education skill than the avenues of employment presently available there to absorb them.
"The people of Punjab have failed to give their mother tongue its due cultural or any official status. They have instead adopted Urdu, the language of the Muslim aristocracy of central India, for these purposes.
"Under these conditions, when the Muslim vested interest the Muslim minority provinces in India held out a temptation before your Muslim vested interests in the Punjab of carving out any exclusive and extensive area of the subcontinent in the name of Muslim nation etc. where they could establish their unrivaled sway and then solve all these problems of theirs through colonial exploitation of the smaller peoples living in the region, they at once saw the chance accepted the bait. Having been brought about this colonial empire, and having tested its abundant fruits, they resolved to consolidate their gains, on the lines followed by rite Germany or the fascist Italy or the totalitarian Japan under Tajo. The thinking people among you must, know that history firmly rejected these wild policies these bloody methods, and even in the hands of your ruling classes here at home, these policies and methods have proved to be disastrous failures.
"The only way for you to follow under the circumstances is to establish a free, independent had sovereign state in the Punjab, which is your own glorious homeland. Let also the Sindhis, Baluchis, and Pakhtoons found their own free, independent and sovereign states in their respective homelands with mutual understanding and on basis of common interest, the four states can arrive at a fair and just agreement out of their own free will, directed at the solution of all their respective difficulties and problems, including the developmental problems and those of overpopulation, unemployment etc. of your people in the Punjab. Under such agreements between equals, the Baluchis and the Sindhis will gladly accept your educated and skilled manpower for manning their services industries, learned professions and even the police and the armies.
History stands witness to the fact that thousands of families from the Punjab migrated and found their permanent abode and employment in Sindh through the ages. They acquired the Sindhi speech and the Sindhian way of life and thus got merged into the Sindhi milieu. All this came about naturally and spontaneously. The same process may go on following its natural course on the basis of mutual understanding, after establishment of free and independent Sindh. It has certainly to be understood that no self-respecting Sindhi can be prepared to live under your vested interests over lordship and see his homeland to be the colony of the Punjab."
The world religion like Islam could not bring up the Muslim Countries of the world to live under one State any time after its initial formative period, during the last fourteen hundred years of its history. To think that it could now be done under Jinnah, Bhutto and Maudoodi is a purulent idea, to say the least. All the Muslim countries, however, while remaining free and independent states, can be linked into a grand. Union on the principles of mutual survival through mutual cooperation exactly in the similar manner as Arab lands. The European Common Market countries and the African States are doing in their respective spheres.
"Following the ideological lead of the anti-patriotic Muslim exploiting classes from India, your ruling classes blundered into accepting the partitioning of your homeland the Great Land of Five River stumbled into three waits with Bharat, have abandoned the glorious teachings of love, and humanity of your saintly elders, and hardly made any lasting gains out of these self-brought national disasters, and have only aroused hatred and built hostilities around yourselves in the bargain.
"You have the world history of the recent past before you. A Powerful nation like the French could not keep a small weak country like Algeria in check, and had to allow it its freedom. The mighty world power like the Americans d not keep their yes men the foul coteries of Vietnam collaborators and traitors in power in Vietnam, even though committed their entire war machine, short of nuclear weaponry, to attain that objective. Here at home your own experiment of One Unit failed so miserably in your own hands. The people of Bengal separated from Pakistan, after blood bath almost unprecedented in human history. "Considering all these events, your ruling classes must give up their policy of keeping Sindh, Baluchistan and on as their slaves under them. Pakistan has never remained a country in the past, nor can it remain so for long the future. Sindh, Punjab, Baluchistan and Pakhtoonistan existed before too as countries and nations, and shall remain also in the future. The sole method of linking in them a brotherly tie is to make them free and then to bring about union on the basis of mutual survival, on the manner of Common Wealth of Nations, calling it with some such as "Common Wealth of the Indus Valley Nations". Union of our people may in due course extend over embrace Bharat, Bangla Desh, Iran and Afghanistan,
"No heavens will fall with this kind of break up of Pakistan. The world has already seen such break ups and dissolution, leaving the world all the more sound and glorious. The grand ancient empires of Alexander the Great, Ashoka the Great. The Roman Empire, and the British, the German, the Russian and the French Empires have all fallen and vanished. The holy Christian Empire under the Popes, and the Muslim empire under the Khilafat of Truks have all dissolved and gone away from earth, hardly leaving any traces of their existence behind. If, therefore, this Muhajir-Punjabi imperialist frame-up disintegrates, none will shed a tear and the world will hardly raise its brow on the event.
"The dissolution of Pakistan will bring the following gains to the Punjab, Sindh, Baluchistan and Pakhtoonistan:
Pakistan stands built on hatred, violence, treachery and exploitation. With its dissolution, these countries I see the ushering in of the times of love, justice, and equality peace.
Pakistan’s existence is in defiance to over two thousand years old teachings of History of its traditions and Culture. With its dissolutions, the original process of the evolution of brotherhood and unity among all races, religions and peoples, on basis of humanity, will revive and start progressing in the subcontinent. What we need today for our good are the teachings of Shah Bahu, Khuwaja Farid, Guru Nanak, Shah Latif, Rehman Baba, Kabir Bhagat, Sachal Sarmast and such other divine souls, and not those of lqbal, Sir Sayed Ahmed Khan, Maulana Moudoodi and persons of their ilks.
The establishment of Pakistan is against the sands of years old national existence of the Punjabi, Sindhis, Baluchis and Pakhtoon peoples. To continue it by force is bound to aggravate difference among these peoples. To dissolve it with mutual consent will bring these peoples nearer and help spirit of confidence, trust and cooperation growing among them.
The continuance of Pakistan is dependent on the wilt and desire of world imperialisms. Since all these Imperialisms are now dissolving and disappearing from the world, it would be beneficial for all concerned to roll it up betimes and voluntarily.

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